Neo-extractivism in Indonesia’s Nickel Epicenter: The Fragility of Mining Governance and Realizing Ecological Justice and Protection of Human Rights on the Celebes Land

[ENGLISH VERSION] The preparation of this policy paper was made to look at the relationship between the impact of the global nickel supply chain on the increasingly massive expansion of nickel mines in Sulawesi with a focus on; 1) examine the socio-environmental and human rights impacts resulting from the implementation of the neo-extractivist model of nickel mining in Indonesia, especially Sulawesi as one of the largest nickel producing islands; 2) identify various mining regulations and governance that can support the development of neo-extractivist politics in Indonesia; 3) contains the formulation of policy recommendations to minimize the impact of nickel mining extractive activities.

The preparation of this policy paper was based on research reports and field observations by Walhi Southeast Sulawesi, Walhi South Sulawesi, and Walhi Central Sulawesi which had identified social and environmental impacts as well as human rights violations due to increasingly expansive nickel mining activities in Sulawesi. The social and environmental impacts that have been identified are then analyzed based on a human rights perspective, including providing accentuation based on a business and human rights perspective. In addition, the social and environmental impacts that become victims’ epistemic experiences are analyzed through the perspective of environmental (ecological) justice and climate justice with a gender and multispecies perspective.

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Annisa Rahmawati


Annisa Rahmawati adalah seorang perempuan aktivis lingkungan. Mengawali karirnya pada tahun 2008 sebagai Local Governance Advisor pada program kemanusiaan di Aceh – di EU-GTZ International Service yang berfokus pada perawatan perdamaian dan peningkatan kapasitas pemerintah daerah. Pengalaman dalam bisnis yang lestari dan berkelanjutan didapat dari Fairtrade International sebagai assistant dan di Greenpeace Southeast Asia sebagai Senior Forest Campaigner yang berfokus pada kampanye market untuk komoditas industrial khususnya sawit yang bebas deforestasi sejak tahun 2013-2020. Selain itu Annisa juga pernah bekerja sebagai asisten proyek di UN-ESCAP Bangkok untuk perencanaan pembangunan kota yang lestari pada tahun 2012. Annisa memiliki latar belakang pendidikan di bidang Biologi dari Universitas Brawijaya Malang dan mendapatkan master dari International Management of Resources and Environment (IMRE) di TU Bergakademie Freiberg Germany dengan dukungan Yayasan Heinrich Boell Stiftung. Annisa sangat antusias dan passionate untuk menyebarkan pesan dan kesadaran kepada dunia tentang permasalahan lingkungan dan bagaimana mencari solusi untuk menjadikan bisnis lebih bisa melakukan tanggung jawabnya, serta bagaimana kita bisa bertindak untuk menghadapi krisis iklim yang saat ini sedang kita hadapi.